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3 foods that help manage thyroid cancer

3 foods that help manage thyroid cancer

Cancer is a term used to describe diseases where there is a rapid multiplication of abnormal cells in the body. Thyroid cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in the thyroid gland. The exact cause of thyroid cancer is unknown. But, there are various treatments that can help prevent the spread of this disease to other organs and manage the condition’s symptoms. Here are three foods that are safe to eat when undergoing thyroid cancer treatment.

Fruits are an essential part of our meals. They are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and a whole lot more. They provide us with fibers and natural sugars and make for a perfect snack. Many do not know that these foods are also recommended for those undergoing thyroid cancer treatment. This is because essential nutrients such as vitamin C and lycopene support the treatments. They enhance the biochemical pathways through which chemotherapy works. Not to mention, many of them are also filled with pectins that help detoxify the body from harmful chemicals such as mercury that are linked to thyroid troubles. Those who have thyroid problems can try adding food such as apples, pears, oranges, and more to their daily meals.

Nuts and legumes
Beans, nuts, seeds, and even legumes are also recommended for those who are undergoing thyroid cancer treatment. These foods contain many active ingredients that aid the treatments undertaken to fight cancer. Aside from this, nuts and seeds are also rich sources of zinc. Studies have found links between low levels of zinc and poor thyroid health. So, adding foods such as pumpkin seeds and brazil nuts can help you get the essential nutrition. Beans and legumes also have high levels of protein and fiber, which help boost digestive health.

Dairy products such as yogurt, ice creams, and milk are rich sources of iodine, making them one of the best foods for thyroid gland health. This is because it is nutritious and also has high levels of iodine content which helps to fulfill the requirements of the body. Iodine is essential to the working of the thyroid gland as it helps produce the thyroid hormones thyroxine(T4) and triiodothyronine(T3). Note that while iodine is important to boost thyroid gland health, doctors may request patients to go on a low-iodine meal regime when treating differentiated thyroid cancer. This is only done if the patient has to undergo radioactive iodine treatment. Going on a low-iodine meal plan allows the thyroid glands to become “hungry” for iodine. This means that when the patient is undergoing treatment, the cancerous cells in the gland will quickly absorb the radioactive iodine.