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4 tips to manage the symptoms of menopause

4 tips to manage the symptoms of menopause

Menopause is diagnosed when a woman doesn’t menstruate for 12 months at a stretch, and it is the end of a woman’s fertility and menstrual cycles. Natural menopause occurs when the ovaries start showing signs of reduced production of the hormones progesterone and estrogen. On the other hand, induced menopause is often a result of the surgical removal of the ovaries to treat a medical condition or the ovaries getting damaged due to the consumption of certain medications or exposure to harmful radiation.
Menopause can lead to pain and discomfort, along with several other symptoms, but following some simple tips can help women reduce the discomfort and pain associated with menopause:

  • Maintain a stable weight
    Women tend to gain weight during menopause due to the hormonal changes that their bodies undergo, and it can also happen due to aging, genetics, or lifestyle choices. Weight gain or the accumulating fat content in the body makes women susceptible to developing heart diseases and other conditions like diabetes. The increased weight also aggravates the symptoms of menopause and increases the risk of joint conditions like osteoporosis. Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight helps reduce the symptoms and protects the body against several harmful diseases.
  • Avoid the consumption of trigger foods
    Trigger foods are the foods that cause the urge to eat more and can lead to an increase in the symptoms of menopause. These include mood swings, hot flashes, and night sweats. The most common trigger foods include alcoholic beverages, caffeinated drinks, junk food, fried food, and baked goods like brownies, donuts, pastry, and cookies. Also, women need to be mentally aware of the foods that are worsening their symptoms and stay away from them.
  • Follow a regular workout schedule
    Regular exercise is a must among women during the onset of menopause to help manage the symptoms effectively. Everybody leads a busy life and many might find it difficult to make time for regular physical activities, but women should make time and work out regularly without fail. Although there is no evidence to indicate whether exercising helps relieve symptoms like night sweats and hot flashes, regular exercising stimulates the metabolism and increases energy levels sharply. Some reports say working out for just about 3 hours a week over a year improves the quality of life and brings about a healthy change in the lifestyle of women going through menopause. Physical activity is also known to boost mood, which makes it extremely beneficial for women during menopause.
  • Drink lots of water
    Women may experience dryness in their throats during menopause as a result of lower estrogen levels. So if women feel the urge to drink water, regardless of how often in a day, they should do so. It is recommended that women drink eight to twelve glasses of water every day to help them deal with the symptoms of menopause effectively. As a result of the hormonal changes during this phase, a woman’s body might bloat up, but drinking water also helps prevent this.