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5 warning signs of poor blood circulation

5 warning signs of poor blood circulation

Poor blood circulation can have severe consequences for overall health, especially regarding the heart. The heart plays a vital role in pumping oxygen-rich blood throughout the body, and any disruption in blood flow can lead to heart failure. Recognizing the warning signs of poor circulation is crucial for early intervention and prevention. From persistent fatigue to swollen limbs, these symptoms can indicate underlying issues that require expert attention.

Chronic fatigue is a warning sign that determines something is wrong with the body. It can also be an indication of poor blood circulation. Fatigue can arise from the compromised supply of oxygen and nutrients to various muscles and organs. If someone is experiencing persistent fatigue even after getting sufficient rest, it can be a sign to get blood supply, and other basics checked out.

Chest pain or discomfort
In the healthcare industry, chest pain or discomfort is referred to as angina. It is one of the most commonly recognized symptoms of cardiac issues associated with poor blood supply. It may manifest as a squeezing, pressure, or tightness in the chest. This pain can occur during physical activity or emotional stress and may subside with rest.

Shortness of breath
Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing is yet another classic symptom of heart problems. It can occur especially when the person is exerting or performing any activity. Shortness of breathing can also be a problem caused due to poor blood circulation. When blood flow is restricted, the lungs may not receive enough oxygen, causing breathlessness and an increased risk of heart failure.

Swollen extremities
People that are dealing with poor blood circulation often show the presence of swelling in their ankles, feet, or legs. This can also lead to an increase in fluid retention. The accumulated fluid is generally found in the lower extremities and can cause noticeable swelling. Persistent swelling in the limbs should not be ignored, as it can be a warning sign of underlying heart-related issues.

Cold hands and feet
There are people who walk around with cold hands and feet, even on the hottest continents. This is a common sign of poor blood circulation in the body. It could be caused because of narrowed blood vessels. The compromised blood flow to the extremities results in decreased temperature sensation. Cold hands and feet, coupled with other symptoms, may indicate an underlying cardiovascular problem that requires attention.